Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So, Monday was our two year anniversary (dating not married). Apparently when you tell someone it's your two year anniversary they automatically think your married. We learned that when we went out to dinner at Red Lobster, three different people came up to us and told us congrats on being married.

Anyways, Mark had been so excited to exchange gifts and wanted to do them first thing when we got home from work. I realize now why.... He surprised me with a FiVE DAY CRUiSE TO MEXiCO!!!!!! I am SOOO excited!!! he got me a beach towel and made up a cute little bucket with sand and mexico flags and little drink umbrella's to give me the news (who knew he was so crafty). So October 22-27, Mexico here we come!!! I've never been on a cruise before, or out of the country (if you read my earlier blogs you'll realize i'm pretty new to traveling in general) .

Its been two wonderful years, I am so happily in love!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Its a been a while. But I just wanted to get on here and say if you have not read Nie Nie's blog, you probably should. It is so inspiring and I look forward to every time she updates it. So go check it out now. And thanks to Amy who introduced me to her blog as well.

In the life of me ... everything is great! getting ready to go to mesquite this weekend for Shaylee's dance performance. If you don't know who Shaylee is, it's mark's 7 year old daughter. Sorry no pictures but stay posted and I will get some on here. I got a camera for Christmas however, no SD card and I rarely remember that I need one until I go to grab my camera for an event and think "oh crap". Michael Buble is next Wednesday and Me and Tracee are going to try and see if we can get some tickets from some scalpers. I made the mistake of not buying tickets soon enough before they went up to about a bazillion dollars a piece. Wish us luck!